Alex Bowers visits the Army Museum at Halifax Citadel in Nova Scotia, Canada, highlighting the nation’s outstanding wartime contributions both on and off the battlefield
The Canadian city of Halifax – established in 1749 – was for centuries strategically significant to British forces based in North America. With its large natural harbour and easily defended approaches, what is now the provincial capital of Nova Scotia has long boasted strong ties to military history and heritage. Few places demonstrate that fact better than the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site, located at the heart of the downtown area.
The star-shaped structure that still stands proud today is the fourth in a series of fortifications to have been positioned atop the hill. Completed in 1856, Halifax Citadel has never fired a shot in anger, its imposing stature having deterred any would-be enemies from attacking. The guns at the site, under the administration of Parks Canada, are instead ignited – with blank rounds – by re-enactors portraying the 78th Highlanders and the 3rd Brigade, Royal Artillery. Both of these units would have stood guard on the ramparts back when potential threats from the United States were of considerable concern.