The Battlefield Tours

Glenn Edmonds Talking to Group in Cemetery

The Battlefield Tours of Canada has been organizing Battlefield tours for over 30 years. Those years produced a drive that continues to inspire and move our team in many ways.

In May of 1995, just after the 50th Anniversary of Holland, we concluded a tour with our Canadian Veterans and families and wondered if it would be the last tour of its kind we would have the honour of leading.

In the years leading up to the anniversary, our coaches were filled with the men and women who fought for our freedom. For some, it was the first time in decades to set foot on the battlefields of Europe. For most, it was a farewell to their comrades who were laid to rest thousands of miles from home. For all, it was an eye-opening reminder of the loss and sacrifices endured.

We were fortunately wrong to think that visitors to the battlefields of Europe would dwindle after the memories of the 50th Anniversary of the Second World War had faded.

The battlefield experience today involves participants of all ages from all different walks of life, with a common desire to understand and pay tribute to the men and women who fought and paid the final sacrifice. Our expertise has evolved from the First and Second World Wars in Europe to the Crimean, Napoleonic and Boer War in South Africa as well as Southeast Asia. We have hosted in-depth exploratory tours such as the much-anticipated Black Watch Tour with History Channel’s David O’Keefe, and the Tank Tour with ONTR Tank Regiment specialists with behind-the-scenes visits to the Bovington Tank Museum, Saumur, and beyond.

We consider ourselves very fortunate to continue these programs, and we are so excited for the years ahead. Join us!