An incredible feat has been achieved by one man in Yorkshire, who has raised more than £100,000 for the Royal British Legion. Eric Atkin, 85, is known locally as the ‘Poppy Man’, having sold the paper flowers for over 70 years. He began selling them aged 12, cycling door to door in the aftermath of the Second World War. He is one of the longestserving volunteers of the RBL, and still sells poppies today. A former soldier, Eric was a private of the Yorkshire Light Infantry and stationed in Kenya during the 1950s. After returning to the UK, Eric reconnected with the RBL, eventually using his home as a poppy distribution centre. Both his parents were founder members of the RBL, and Eric is proud to continue the tradition and has no plans to retire. Well done Eric!

A memorial to African-Caribbean soldiers who fought for Britain during both World Wars has been unveiled in London. The ceremony took place on 22 June, attended by Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. The sculpture sits in Brixton’s Windrush Square and honours the 2 million African and Caribbean service personel who served. The memorial was devised by the Nubian Jak Community Trust’s scheme to highlight the historic contributions of Black and ethnic minority people in the UK, and is the culmination of a three year campaign. Paul Reid, Director of the Black Cultural Archives said: ‘The histories of World Wars often overlook the significant contributions made by African and Caribbean soldiers. Today we can proudly mark the recognition of their bravery and sacrifice.’