Collectable Books

The Battle of Huertgen Forest

Author Charles B. MacDonald

Year 1963

ISBN 0-515-09767-5

Language English

Binding Softback

Pages 215 including index

Size 105x175mm (4.25x6.75in)

Price £10 on line second hand

(numerous editions)

Publisher Jove Books/Berkley Publishing Group

If the cover artwork of the ‘50s paperback editions of Paul Brickhill’s books paint a picture of one decade and one continent, the artwork on the cover of this paperback represents different ones (see inset below). In the 1970s, when northern market towns had market halls that always included a book stall, these clearly budget, US paperbacks turned up for sale. Curiously, suggesting they were overs or second-hand, they had a hole punched in the cover which defaced them slightly. Nonetheless, they offered an interesting read about battles that were written from an American perspective and often about actions that involved US troops. That’s how, in northern polytechnic days, I came to hear of the Battle of the Huertgen - or Hürtgen - Forest.

The Battle of Hürtgen Forest was fighting between September 1944 until February 1945 between American and German forces east of the Belgian–German border. It was the longest lasting…

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