Collectable Books

On the Shelf

Armoured Cars 1900-1963

Author Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum

Publisher Royal Armoured

Corps Centre

Year 1964

ISBN n/a

Language English

Binding Softback

Pages 64

Size 165x203mm (6.5x8in)

Price £7 (used)

In an issue of CMV that contains some material relating to the Tank Museum at Bovington in Dorset, it is appropriate to feature this book that reaches back to the early days of preserving military vehicles. In 1964, when this edition of a 1963 book was printed, World War Two hadn’t yet been over for 20 years so many of the visitors would have had personal experience of the war. My own first visit to the museum was on a family holiday in the late sixties when the museum was a collection of machines parked in rows in a big shed - but fascinating nonetheless. Since then, the museum ‘industry’ has changed almost beyond recognition and this is evident on seeing this book which is subtitled, ‘An Illustrated Record of the British Armoured Fighting Vehicle’.

For the museum visitor’s 3/6d, he or she got a factual account of the history of British armoured cars in five chapters and a supplement on foreign ones that is liberally illustrated with monochrome photos. It was one of a series of fi…

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