
An unusual VC, Napoleon’s hunting rifle and a letter signed by Field Marshal Montgomery have each excited bidders


An Indian Mutiny Victoria Cross with an interesting historical quirk has been sold by Noonans

Edmond Jennings was born in Ballinrobe, County Mayo, in 1815 and enlisted in the East India Company on April 2, 1836. After arriving at Calcutta he was posted to the 1st Troop, 1st Brigade of the Bengal Artillery and saw action in the First Afghan War and First Sikh War.

Appointed a Rough Rider in December 1855, Jennings fought in the Indian Mutiny with the Bengal Horse Artillery. He was also elected by his comrades to receive the VC for his gallantry during the Relief of Lucknow between November 14-22, 1857.

The Civil and Military Gazette reported: “Jennings, accompanied by half a dozen of his troop, was one day entrusted with the conveyance of a despatch to a Captain Rennington. On the return, the attention of the party was arrested by the cries of a European. Jennings at once volunteered to go in quest, the others remaining on the look-out. A high wall had to be surmounted; then the horseman galloped along a

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