Restored World War Two US military vehicles often carry products that are a legacy of America’s wartime economy
US Army WW2 vehicular accessories
Collectable Kit
Hitler’s foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, reportedly wrote a memoir about the reasons for Germany’s defeat while in his prison cell at Nuremberg. He listed three critical factors; the unexpected resistance of the Red Army, the vast supply of American armaments and the success of Allied air power. The defeat of Germany had been the priority for the Allies in ending the world crisis. British forces were close to defeat everywhere in 1941 but the outcome was not pre-ordained once the British Empire was joined by the USSR and the USA later that year.
To achieve victory the Allies had to mobilise and deploy their large resources effectively and this required planning and massive production. In the west, the American economy was a peacetime one and seemingly unprepared for the colossal demands of a global war. The ability of the world’s largest industrial economy to convert to the mass production of weapons and war equipment is often taken for granted but the transition was rapid and effective. It was partially due to the character of Americ…