The Funny Car

Scott Smith takes a look at Mitch Hickman's 40-year commitment, a ‘one-off’ Humber Scout Car, colloquially referred to as the ‘funny car’ because of its strange appearance

We’ve all done it, put a job off week after week before finally getting around to doing it. However, have you ever had a job you’ve been meaning to do for 40 years? When it comes to saving a rare piece of military hardware, you can perhaps be excused for taking a little longer.

The final chapter for long-time military vehicle owner Mitch Hickman, in his aim to bring a Humber Scout Car back to life, is about to begin.

Underneath this strange-looking machine, colloquially referred to as the ‘funny car’, are the solid foundations of a World War Two-era military scout car.

Mitch first got his hands on a Humber Scout Car in the 1980s, after buying one in need of a full restoration from John Marchant. Although there was a lot of work to be done, he was delighted with the new purchase.

‘Mitch first got his hands on a Humber Scout Car in the 1980s, after buying one in need of a full restoration from John Marchant’

Shortly after however, an offer of a second, albeit very different scout car, soon came his way. Mitch explained: “In 1984 a ver…

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