Tank owner Barrimore England-Davis shares some helpful advice on what to consider when buying a large, tracked vehicle

It is always sensible to do your research before buying any military vehicle. With a tank or similar large tracked vehicle you should talk to other owners or knowledgeable individuals about parts availability and any foibles you need look out for. I have found chatting to people who have served in the vehicle also helps.

Buying a tank without any prior knowledge is probably going to hurt you in the wallet down the road.

The first question you need ask is, what do I want a tracked vehicle for? I know collectors that just want a hulk to sit on their land because of the aesthetic qualities, while some want driving examples. Decide what you want your tracked vehicle for and buy accordingly.

Buying a tank that’s a range wreck may be cheap, but to get it running could cost a great deal more than one already in running condition.

There are also legal implications to consider. As a resident of the UK, you are allowed to own a tank, but don’t think this is the same in other countries, while buying a tank from another country can add to the complexities. It’s important you know the rules and…

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