Throughout the First World War, the many announcements of British and Commonwealth gallantry awards appeared in the various issues of The London Gazette. As part of our major monthly series covering of the Great War commemorations, we examine some of the actions involved and summarise all of the awards announced in August 1918.

The seven Victoria Crosses announced in The London Gazette in August 1918 can be split into two distinct groups. The first comprises four VCs which were awarded to men of the Australian Imperial Force, individuals such as Henry Dalziel whose actions are recounted by Lord Ashcroft (see pages 109-110), whilst the remaining three were to Royal Navy officers involved in the Second Ostend Raid on 9 May 1918.

Officially known as Operation VS, the Second Ostend Raid was the result of the failure of the St George’s Day attacks on Zeebrugge and Ostend. While the mouth of the Bruges Canal had been partially blocked at Zeebrugge, the two ships that were supposed to have blocked the harbour at Ostend had grounded outside, allowing the German U-boats and torpedo-boats continued access to the English Channel.

The decision was taken to launch a second raid on Ostend, with a similar plan to th…

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