Hail to the Chief

Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s enduring legacy has been preserved for younger generations,

If vintage World War Two armour is on public display, living historians portraying G.I.s are usually not far behind. But what about their Commander in Chief, Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

Gary Stamm has got that. A professional actor and educator, Stamm has created a stunningly accurate interpretation of FDR, having appeared multiple times at the former president’s Hyde Park home at the request of the National Park Service, and having been featured in programs held in Kentucky, Oregon, Vermont, and New York’s Museum of American Armor. He has even managed to mimic the politician’s voice patterns when called upon to speak.

“Recent educational surveys reveal that today’s students are losing their connection to our nation’s history. Interacting with a presidential interpreter like Gary Stamm gives young people a real and direct connection to our shared heritage, sparking interest that can lead to an expanded awareness of history that goes beyond the limited curriculum now being taught,” explained History Channel Chief Historian emeritus Dr Libby O’Connell.

Museum of American Armor trustee David Burman agreed. “We have G…

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