Hero of the Red Ball Express

The military truck is an unsung hero of the battlefield, says David Garden

I consider trucks to be the shaft of the military lance. The spear point consists of the armoured fighting vehicles but the trucks support this by bringing up ammunition, fuel, rations, spare parts and other necessities of the battlefield. One of the most successful in World War Two was the US CCKW series.

The CCKW saw extensive service mostly as cargo trucks in World War Two and later in Korea. The ‘Deuce and a Half’ (two-and-a-half ton) were one of the best performers in the famed ‘Red Ball Express’ that kept allied troops supplied in Normandy and the subsequent battles.

The term CCKW comes from General Motors Corporation (GMC) terminology: C - designed in 1941, C - conventional cab, K -all-wheel drive and W - dual rear axle.

Main photo: A CCKW 353 with a camouflage net shelters under a tree during the Vintage Days show in Perigueux. Inset left: A CCKW delights the crowds during the circuit round Perigueux town centre. The crew are dressed in US World War Two uniforms. Inset right: Left rear view of the CCKW 353 showing the size of the cargo bed. The vehicle rear is well marked with authentic period stencils

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