Manual MB-C1 for Canadian Military Pattern Vehicles
Collectable Books
Author n/a
Publisher General Motors Products of Canada Ltd
Year 1940
ISBN n/a
Language English
Binding Softback
Pages 250
Size 220x280mm (8.5x11in)
Price £26 (reprint)
There’s a good chance that many readers of this magazine grew up with the humble Haynes workshop manual. I certainly did and with the help of one, learned how to keep my first car on the road doing everything from setting the plugs and points gaps to grinding valves and more. The reality is that the Haynes manual with a cutaway view technical drawing of a Morris Traveller, handdrawn by Terry Davey, for the Morris Minor was as important as any school texbook. This is simply because the skills learned of necessity with that Minor were transferable to most of the vehicles I have ever owned.
The British Haynes manuals are named after John Harold Haynes. In 1956, when he was at school, he wrote and published a book on building a ‘special’ based on the Austin 7 and wrote two further books while performing national service in the Royal Air Force. Haynes & Company Ltd was founded in 1960 and its first workshop manual was published in 1965.
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