Malpas Yesteryear Rally, Cheshire, September 9 and 10

Scammell Explorer Recovery Truck and a Series One, belonging to the Durham Light Infantry Regiment.

The weather forecast wasn’t good, but I went along on the Saturday of the annual Malpas Yesteryear Rally weekend. This rally has run since 1972 and their website promises 30 steam engines, 120 cars, 70 military vehicles, 120 commercial vehicles, 150 tractors, 100 stationary engines, motorcycles, pedal cycles, heavy horses, working demonstrations, trade and auto-jumble stands and a variety of catering outlets. I don’t think there were quite as many vehicles as promised in the web site as no doubt some had been put off by the rain but there was more than enough to keep one occupied and I spent four hours wandering round the rally.

On the left a Scammell Tank Transporter and on the right a Foden Recovery Truck.
Series III FFR in the military vehicle Section of the rally.