Matador Conversions

I was interested to read the centrespread in the November issue showing the conversion of AEC Matadors into recovery vehicles using the jibs from Hyster industrial cranes. During the early years of the war there was a constant shortage of heavy recovery vehicles.

The output of Scammell Pioneers was slow and divided between artillery tractors, tank transporters and recovery tractors. Even after Lend Lease began it took time to identify and get into production equivalent US vehicles such as the Mack LMSW then when the Ward Le France was available most were needed by the US Army itself post Pearl Harbor. In North Africa improvisation began early and the Matador was a most suitable base since it had a powerful chassis winch. Even then there was a huge demand for a limited number of vehicles. Their original user, the Royal Artillery, still needed them for their intended role and the RAOC found them capable of pulling tank transporter trailers before Diamond Ts began to appear. Some Matadors were issued to Light Aid Detachments (LAD), RADC until REME formed in October 1942. In forward LADs the Matador, like the various three-ton 6x4 ‘gantry’ recovery vehicles, was far too high and conspicuous. The OC of 3…

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