New ‘First to the Fastest’Exhibition Opens at Brooklands

The Vimy and the Harrier in the new exhibition at Brooklands. (VIA BROOKLANDS)

A NEW exhibition to commemorate the two pioneering Atlantic crossings by aircraft has opened at the Brooklands Museum in Surrey. The displays are centred on Alcock and Brown’s non-stop crossing from America in a Brooklands-built Vickers Vimy in June 1919 and the transatlantic air race that followed five decades later. The 1969 dash from the Post Office Tower in London to New York’s Empire State Building was won by HS Harrier GR.1 XV741.

At the centre of the exhibition is Brooklands Museum’s Vimy replica (which, itself, has flown across the Atlantic) and the recently arrived Harrier GR.1 XV741. The stories are told using archive footage, historic imagery and personal accounts, celebrating the role that Brooklands played in achieving what was often seen as the impossible.

Entry to the exhibition is included in the general admission

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