
For Valour

Following the opening of its Victoria Cross exhibition, The Tank Museum hosted an event to mark the beginning of the end of World War One.

Four World War One tanks and 10 military transport vehicles took part in an arena display that featured a mock battle explaining how the war was fought and won by the British Army and its allies.

Visitors also had the opportunity to see a demonstration of World War One cavalry tactics on horseback and see a real World War One bi-plane up close.

The museum’s latest exhibition of Tank Corps Victoria Crosses is impressive. The Victoria Cross (VC) is Britain’s highest award for gallantry in combat and for the first time ever The Tank Museum has united all four VCs won by the Tank Corps during World War One.

Scout Car S1 (American)

I saw your recent article (pg56, CMV 205) on the S1 armoured car and thought these photos may be of interest to you. Note the American Red Cross (ARC) marked version. Keep up the great work; the magazine is eagerly awaited Cam Finlay, War Wheels

Historic meeting

When ‘Deborah II’ met ‘Big Brute’ at the Great Dorset Steam Fair it was a historic moment. This was the first time that a male and female tank had sat side by side in 100 years.…

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