The Britain at War team scout out the latest items of interest
Publisher: Haynes Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-78521-192-8
Hardback: 188 pages
RRP: £25
WHENEVER a new Haynes manual arrives on the scene, one can be assured of a quality publication and a veritable cornucopia of fascinating material. That is especially the case with the Haynes ‘Operations Manual’ series, and this latest offering is truly a feast.
While there have been books aplenty on the subject of Bomber Command, for the most part these cover histories of particular squadrons, are studies detailing the aircraft involved or are biographies, autobiographies or the stories of particular raids. Never before has a comprehensive reference book on how RAF Bomber Command functioned been available. As such, this work is an absolute must for anyone who reads about or studies the subject.
Jonathan Falconer has already written extensively on the subject of Bomber Command, and there could be no better author to put together this masterful insight into how the whole organisation worked. In this endeavour, he has excelled.
The book follows the Haynes formula for these publications and is set out covering all the relevant key e…