The Britain at War team scout out the latest items of interest

Hitler’s Atlantic Wall

Yesterday and Today

George Forty, Leo Marriott and Simon Forty

Publisher: Casemate UK

ISBN: 978-1-61200-375-7

Hardback: 192 pages

RRP: £20.00

THE IMPRESSIVE defensive structures built along Hitler’s Atlantic wall to defend against inevitable invasion attempts by the Allies will never cease to amaze those who view them today, over seventy years later. From Norway, down to Southern France, these almost monolithic and quite monstrous constructions have often survived in situ – impervious to destruction in war or through attempts at post-war demolition. In many cases, the structures are in plain view. In other instances, less so. Many others have been put to peacetime use for storage, as war museums, as ‘canvases’ for modern art and graffiti or even as foundation bases for subsequent buildings constructed on top of them. Mostly, though, the casual viewer will have little idea of the actual intended purpose of these impressive structures or the story behind them; how they were built, when they were built or the units who controlled them etc. Now, in this magnificent book, the secrets of the vast maj…

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