The Britain at War team scout out the latest items of interest

Luftwaffe Eagles Over Ireland Justin Horgan and Paddy Cummins

Publisher: Horgan Press ISBN: 978-0-9955530-0-2 Hardback: 384 pages RRP: £35.00 (not including postage and packing)

WHEN A book which is so clearly a labour of love like this one arrives on the editorial desk it is always cause to take more than a second look. In this instance, and with the general subject matter close to the reviewer’s heart, it didn’t need any prompting to quickly get stuck into devouring its truly fascinating content.

To many, the title might at first seem somewhat ‘niche’ but the reality is that this is an important and untold part of the story of Luftwaffe air actions against the British Isles – albeit that the aircraft covered in this absolutely superb volume are those which came down in the neutral Irish Republic, Eire. Because of the geographical location, these German losses have largely been ignored in the context of air actions against Britain between 1940 and 1945. However, they are very much part of this story and all credit must go to Justin Horgan and Paddy Cummins for recording all of these losses in such meticulous detail. It …

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