The Britain at War team scout out the latest items of interest

A Most Enigmatic War James Goodchild

Publisher: Helion & Company ISBN: 978-1-911512-55-4 Hardback: 658 pages RRP: £45.00

WHEN PROFESSOR R V Jones wrote his memoir ‘Most Secret War’ in 1978, the famous historian A J P Taylor described it as: ‘…the most fascinating book on the Second World War that I have ever read.’ Certainly, at the time of its publication, it was a huge revelation in terms of the scientific defensive countering of the enemy’s technological war which had been waged against Britain. Information not previously generally revealed had suddenly been placed in the public domain, and the importance of work done by the likes of Jones and his colleagues Lindemann, Tizard and Pye in shortening the war became more widely known.

In this work, James Goodchild examines in great depth the Jones memoir and compares his claims and statements with contemporary documentation, discovering how the relationship between the scientific intelligence community and the politicians and military was made to work effectively. In doing so, Goodchild concludes that Jones’ memoir has wrongfully been regarded as the definitive work on t…

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