The Britain at War team scout out the latest items of interest
Rolls–Royce Armoured Car
1915 – 44 (all models) Owners’ Workshop Manual
David Fletcher MBE
Publisher: Haynes ISBN: 978 1 78521 058 7 Hardback: 156 pages RRP: £22.99
Those readers of ‘a certain age’ will be more than familiar with Haynes manuals, usually ragged and oil stained, which were used as the handy guide for maintaining and tinkering with one’s first cars. However, the progress and technological advances in modern motor cars has resulted in the traditional Haynes’ manuals being increasingly less relevant in today’s world. Nevertheless, Haynes rose to the challenge of finding a new market for a different ‘look’ to those traditional manuals and turned instead to a whole range of popular areas of interest – military history among them. Still branded as ‘Owners’ Workshop Manuals’, in a rather whimsical fashion, it is unlikely that most buyers of these new manuals are likely to ever be the owners of things such as submarines, Vulcan bombers or Spitfires – and yet the popularity of such titles is huge. And there is no reason to suppose that this, the latest Haynes manual, will be any the less popular.
At first glance, howeve…