Sgt. Bill Speakman VC – 1927-2018

IT IS with sadness that Britain at War announces the death of Bill Speakman VC who died peacefully, surrounded by family, on 20 June.

He was 90-years-old. Altrincham-born Speakman served as a private in the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) attached to 1st Battalion, King’s Own Scottish Borderers during the Korean War. He was awarded the Victoria Cross – the first to be presented by Queen Elizabeth II – for his actions on 4 November 1951 at United Hill, where he was engaged in close-range combat after the position came under attack by 6,000 enemy troops. Just 400 British troops occupied the hill.

His citation, as listed in The London Gazette, described the action: “From 04:00, 4 November 1951, the defensive positions held by 1st Battalion, KOSB, were continuously subjected to heavy and accurate enemy shell and mortar fire. At 15:45 this fire became intense and continued for the next two hours, considerably damaging defences and wounded a number of men.

“Private Speakman [B Company, HQ], learning that the section holding the left shoulder of the Company’s position had been seriously depleted by casualties [including a number of NCOs] and was being overrun, decided on his own initiative to drive the…

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