April 2024 marked the 80th anniversary of Exercise Smash 1, the D-Day rehearsal in Dorset where amphibious Valentine tanks reached their limits, writes Phil Loder

Special anniversaries of events that occurred during World War Two are being marked throughout 2024. D-Day will undoubtedly be one of the largest this June, and previous commemorations of the operation have mainly focused on the arrival of the assaulting Allied forces in the Normandy area.

An enormous amount of preparation went into making the airborne and seaborne landings a success, but experience from earlier in the war showed that many things could still go wrong. The outcome was not certain and even Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D Eisenhower drafted a letter taking full responsibility if D-Day failed.

In the view of historian Paul Kennedy, one of the most difficult military tasks is assaulting a defended enemy shore. As the Western Allies prepared to return to mainland Europe in June 1944, they were very aware of this and had been planning and preparing in great detail, including mapping the beaches where they would land, designing and building new equipment to help in the task, and training the men who would ultimately storm the defended beaches.

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