Talking History & Hardware

Phil Loder chats with James Holland, military historian, vehicle owner, and co-host of the We Have Ways podcast

James Holland, the cricketloving historian of World War Two, needs little introduction. Based near Salisbury in Wiltshire, he has been publishing books and presenting on television since 2004, and in 2019 helped to create and became co-host of the successful podcast We Have Ways of Making You Talk.

James’s fascination with World War Two began while on a cricket field, which seems appropriate. Watching an “amazing machine” pirouetting around the sky, he asked an umpire standing nearby what it was. “A Spitfire,” came the reply. The following weekend James visited Duxford for the Flying Legends airshow and was hooked.

After studying history at the University of Durham, James began working in publishing. In parallel, he researched and wrote a novel about World War Two, The Burning Blue, and then expanded into non-fiction history books with Fortress Malta. Finally, he took the plunge and gave up the day job.

Over the past 20 years, James has continued to write many more nonfiction books and historical novels, as well as scripting and presenting television programmes. Recently, he teamed up with…

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