Event Great Dorset Steam Fair
three built for the Royal Engineers by Allan-Taylor of
Wandsworth using a Ford 8 engine and chassis
The Great Dorset Steam Fair has been running for 49 years and is established as the leading heritage event of this type in the world. By no means is it just a traction engine rally, it is far more encompassing than that. The diversity of its exhibits means that there will be something for everyone, whether it is steam, agriculture, heavy haulage, motorcy cles, tractor-pulling, classic cars, earth moving, commercial and of course military vehicles which can be seen over the enormous 600-acre site. There is also a fairground, crafts, food, horses, live entertainment and an incredible variety of food types to suit every palate.
Over the years the show has grown with the type of attractions remaining much the same. A change occurred in 2014 when it was decided to commemorate World War One by recreating a trench system and gathering together appropriate vehicles and re-enactors to put on what must now be the largest and most realistic World War One trench display.
Using heavy-earth moving equipment and with a rough plan, a trench system and gun pits were built. Mature tree trunks …