Than a true brave

A 2nd Life Guards trooper, Thomas Playford, knew Shaw and was present at Waterloo. He recorded: “I was acquainted with a singular character among the guards of the royal person. His name was Shaw and he was 6ft high and possessed a powerful athletic frame. His features were large and coarse; his countenance indicated a measure of good nature and determined purpose.

“His broad chest, muscular arms and large bony hands denoted a powerful antagonist to be encountered in combat. He was well versed in the use of the broadsword and could use the shining blade with a speed of a flash of light, but he also knew the science of pugilism. Few could stand before him. A blow from his sword would have been dangerous and disabling if not fatal and a stroke from his clenched fist dreadful to a weak man. “The morning was clear, the rain abated and Shaw, others and I were sent in search of food. Finding an abandoned wagon loaded with bread, [we] each took a sack of loaves, and went to a farmhouse for cheese or bacon. At that moment a cannon gave indication of approaching battle. ‘The work is beginning’, said Shaw, ‘Come lads, let us hasten to our regiment; we have each our share of duty to perform today’. “Our brigad…

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