On Vietnam’s Roads

John Teasdale continues his history of road travel during the Vietnam War

The US Marine Corps’ 3rd Marine Division established its forward headquarters in the Marine Compound at Da Nang Air Base on May 6, 1965. As the division’s infantry battalions arrived in theatre, they were dispersed southwards and westwards across the country to defend air bases and ancillary facilities, and to take the war to the Viet Cong guerrillas.

The infantry battalions were, for the most part, moved to the camps from where they would operate by the trucks of 3rd Motor Transport Battalion (hereinafter Third Motors); the same trucks would then supply such as food, water, fuel and ammunition.

Because the infantry was widely dispersed, so too were Third Motors, and because it could not cope on its own, platoons and companies from other motor transport battalions were attached.

Third Motors’ headquarters was established at Da Nang; as of June 1965, Headquarters and Service Company, A Company and 2nd Platoon, B Company were also based there. The other platoons of B Company were at Phu Bai Combat Base. C Company, plus C Company First Motors and a platoon from C Company Ninth Motors were at Chu Lai Combat Base. 2nd Platoon, C Compa…

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