Alarm! Alarm! Welcome to this special edition of Britain at War, in which the We Have Ways Of Making You Talk podcast duo has decided to give your hardworking editor, John Ash, a month off. Enjoy chap – but don’t get too used to it!
What a line up of features we have here, as we begin BAW’s D-Day 80 commemorative content by detailing the extensive preparations for history’s greatest amphibious invasion. The annotated timeline put together by John, Dr Sam Edwards of Loughborough University and assistant editor Tom Baker is glorious. If you want to know how much went into planning an operation on the scale of Overlord, then you could do worse than start with this. Delve right in.
Dr Edwards has also explored the arrival of US forces in Britain.
Their presence undoubtedly helped to make D-Day possible, as without American personnel and the immense backing of the United States’ sprawling war industry and burgeoning economy, such an effort was probably inconceivable. And, we may have shipped him off for the month, but John has still been busy and has prepared a piece examining the deception efforts employed by the Allies to cover up the true date and location of the D-Day landings.
Continuing the theme,…