Home Front Collectables

In all the areas of Second World War militaria, why collect British Home Front? Some view it as less appealing than more gung-ho military collectables, such as small arms or special forces items - but that, in the eyes of Home Front collectors, is rather short-sighted says Austin J Ruddy.


The ordinary, and many not so ordinary, varied objects from the Home Front portray and exude the highs and lows of the British people during six long years of war - from the deprivations of rationing and the bombing of the Blitz to the cheery songs and elegant fashions. And, after more than 30 years’ collecting, I’m still finding fascinating new items and enhancing my understanding of what many of us consider the most important period in Britain’s history.

When I was growing up, every older person seemed to have lived through the Second World War, all with their own interesting stories. My grandmother recounted tales of dark nights sitting in her Anderson shelter in Queensbury, London, as bombs flattened neighbouring homes. She also knew a woman who, 50 years on, still ‘bled’ glass from being hit by a blast-shattered window.

In this, the first of three articles (the ARP and Home Guard to follow) w…

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