Jeep on the Cheap

Alchemy was the medieval forerunner of chemistry, largely concerned with converting metals into gold. John Carroll considers the alchemic options for creating cheap Jeeps

All the NEKAF Jeeps were built with the Willys F-head Hurricane engine’

It’s fair to say that since the military vehicle scene developed in the 1970s it has evolved considerably. It’s also fair to say that, despite the four decades of evolution, the popularity of the Jeep is undiminished. This is very much a mixed blessing for those seeking to buy what some still as the ‘entry level’ military vehicle. It’s also understandable as a Willys Jeep will fit in a domestic garage making it a practical proposition for many to own with the added cachet of its film star looks and starring roles.

Initially, military vehicle enthusiasts bought and refurbished the vehicles that could be found on farms and behind country garages that were the survivors from the thousands of vehicles sold off in war surplus auctions. Later, the pool of wartime Jeeps was swelled by vehicles imported from Greece and France as well as numerous batches of French Hotchkiss M201 variants as they were disposed of by the French military. Currently, Willys MB and Ford GPWs …

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