”A Museum, And Story, For All”

BRITAIN AT WAR News Correspondent, Lauren Cantillon, reflects on her visits to the newlyrefurbished National Army Museum. Let’s get something clear before starting – I like the newly refurbed National Army Museum (or #newNAM for those of you who tweet!).

Like most with half an eye to the online world, I watched with interest as it was verbally ripped apart and called every negative thing under the sun. After visiting (I went three times whilst writing this piece) I did have to wonder if those people had visited a different museum, or walked around this one with their eyes closed. A third of what is on display has never been on display before, and approximately 2,700 items are showcased.

It look me until my third visit to find the much lambasted children’s play area, and even then that was only because I used a very specific WC and turned the wrong direction when exiting. What was much more in evidence is the wealth of objects on display, both your traditional armour and sword type regalia you expect in an army museum, but also the more unexpected, such as 18th century campaign furniture, modern film posters, Kate Adie’s body armour, the skeleton of Napoleon’s horse…

In the new NAM, objects such as the…

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