The ‘People’s Spitfire Pilot’ Dies

BRITAIN AT War is sad to report the passing of Franciszek ‘Tony’ Kornicki on 16 November 2017, just over a month short of his 101st birthday.

Born in Wereszyn, Poland, he completed his studies at the Polish Air Force Academy in Deblin in July 1939, writes Chris Goss. On the outbreak of war on 1 September 1939, he was flying outdated PZL P.7 aircraft against a technically and numerically superior Luftwaffe, but just 17 days later, he and other pilots were told to make their way to Romania and then on to France. On arrival in France, he eventually started training on French fighters and just after he had completed his training, France capitulated. He then made his way to Great Britain where he completed further training on the Boulton & Paul Defiant with 307 Sqn. After conversion training to day fighters at 5 Operational Training Unit was posted to 303 Sqn in October 1940, but he undertook no operational flying in the Battle of Britain. In December 1940, he was posted to 615 Sqn but then joined 315 Sqn at RAF Northolt in January 1941, flying his first operational flight on 23 July 1941. In February 1943, he took command of 308 Sqn but shortly afterwards he had to hand …

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