Credited as being one of the best-performing tanks of the 20th century, the Centurion also performed exceptionally well in Vietnam with Australian forces, as Robbie McGuire explores

 In 1952, the Centurion tank was purchased by the Australian Army to replace the Churchill tanks being used by the newly established Australian 1st Armoured Regiment. Initially, eight Centurions were sent to Australia, each costing £100,000, with the number rising to 39 tanks by the end of that year. The Centurion had seen action with British and Canadian forces in Korea, proving itself as a worthy replacement for the Churchill and Matilda Tanks being used in the post-war period by the Australian Armed Forces.

The Centurion would quickly become the main battle tank of the Australian Army after the Korean War and by 1961, a total of 127 Centurions had been introduced into service, along with bridge laying and Armoured Recovery variants. When Australia entered the Vietnam War in 1962, the first troops on the ground were part of the Australian Army Training Team (AATTV). By 1965, the 1st Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) had arrived at Vûng Tàu, South Vietnam as the country’s involvement in the conflict grew. The only a…

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