Shark’s Teeth In The Sand

The part played by British, Australian and South African Kittyhawks in the Battle of El Alamein is described BY ANDREW THOMAS


From the start of the War in the desert in June 1940 the front line had swayed to and-fro, but late May 1942 saw the 8th Army behind the defences of the Gazala-Bir Hacheim Line. Supporting them was the Western Desert Air Force (WDAF) that included eight squadrons that flew or were reequipping with the American-built P-40 Kittyhawk. These formed two Wings. Wg Cdr Barney Beresford led 233 Wing that comprised the Kittyhawk-equipped 260 Sqn RAF and 2, 4 and 5 Sqns of the South African Air Force. No 2 and 4 were in the throes of re-equipment from the earlier Tomahawk that 5 Sqn, under the redoubtable Maj Johnnie Frost, would fly through the rest of the year. At Gambut was Wg Cdr Clive Mayers’ Kittyhawk-equipped 239 Wing that controlled 112 and 250 Sqns alongside 3 and 450 Sqns RAAF. These Squadrons were all desert veterans and commanded by experienced officers. Typical was 260 Sqn, led by Sqn Ldr ‘Pedro’ Hanbury, a pilot with eight victories described by one of his pilots as: “… probably one of the best all round fighter leaders in the deser…

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