War & Cease Reminiscing

Military Vehicle Market

Now that the War & Peace Show has been cancelled for the “foreseeable future”, Nigel Hay looks back at its many highs and lows

The speculation is over and it is now confirmed, by a solitary and brief posting on the organiser’s Facebook page: the War & Peace Show has been cancelled for “the foreseeable future”.

At the time of writing, the future of the show is very much in question, but after so many years as the hub of the hobby, it would be sad to see it finally close. As an arena events commentator for over 25 years, I was proud to be a part of it during its heyday. No other event has had such an important impact on the military vehicle market and our hobby for many years. The Beltring stall area was the absolute mecca for enthusiasts seeking out parts, deactivated weapons, militaria or just good old army surplus. With traders, large and small, from all over the UK and Europe, buyers flocked to War & Peace from all over the world.

It was the one event where the world’s major collectors and dealers mingled with fellow enthusiasts at all levels. Friendships and relationships were built, and War & Peace was the meeting place we all looked forward to. Whatever …

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