We Found a Way to Make Them talk!


James Holland and Al Murray sat down with John Ash to discuss their thriving podcast, We Have Ways of Making You Talk, and its growing companion festival

How did the We Have Ways podcast come about?

Our producer Tony Pastor is a massive World War Two history fan and when he spotted that there was no podcast on the subject he realised there was massive community of people out there not being catered for. He approached me [ James] and asked me who I’d like to host the pod with – Al was absolutely the person I had all my best war chat with!

What do you think the advantages of using a podcast for historical discussion are?

Firstly we get to talk about anything we want, at any length we want. But the main value is that we get to talk directly to the community of ‘afflicted’ as we call them. They send us their questions, observations and stories and it becomes a real two-way process. We’ve been able to dig deep into the stories of the war in a granular way – and we’ve learnt lots from our audience.

How did the pod evolve into the We Have Ways festival?

Lockdown was a pivotal moment for the pod. I [Al] was stuck at home unable to tour and …

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