Callum Dickson tries his luck with anti-aircraft vehicles, a class of weapon requiring deft aim and keen patience

‘They required patience, luck, a good team, and most of all deadly accuracy’

Having experienced playing as various tanks and tank destroyers, ranging from post-World War One tractors to iconic vehicles from World War Two, I decided to try something different – early anti-aircraft vehicles. Though these vehicles would often fall by the wayside when compared to their anti-armour contemporaries, it does not take away from their importance. As they were not on an immediately unlocked tree, I had to go through multiple games to unlock the first anti-aircraft vehicles for each nation. Therefore, due to the differences between most of these vehicles being negligible, I thought I’d instead look at the differences between the major allied and Axis powers – Germany, The United States, and Britain to be specific.

The first vehicle I unlocked was the British Light AA Mk 1, a small, armoured barrel with four machine guns attached. I immediately saw how different the playstyle was for these vehicles, as I was reliant on air battles starting overhead, or encountering light enemy vehicles, otherwise, I…

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