The last heroine of the Atlantic


Allan George profiles a lasting legacy to the hard-fighting corvettes that helped win World War Two

Nestled alongside in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a unique survivor, a Flower-class corvette – one of the unglamorous escorts that helped keep the lifeline of sea trade to Britain open. HMCS Sackville is the last ‘heroine’ of the Battle of the Atlantic, the last of a class of simple ships that were arguably the most important to serve in the Royal Navy and the Royal Canadian Navy. The Atlantic lifeline brought troops, equipment, food and essential supplies crucial to keep Britain fighting. More than 1,000,000 tons a week were needed to feed Britain and keep fighting Germany. Based on the experience of unrestricted submarine warfare in World War One, it was obvious to naval planners in the late 1930s that a large number of ocean-going convoy escorts would be needed for the forthcoming conflict.

Wartime whaler

Such a ship would need to withstand the heavy weather of the North Atlantic in winter and be easy for reservists and conscripts to operate. This dictated the design be rugged and straightforward. Fortunately, commercial vessels with these qualities existed, enabling the Flowers to be q…

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