On the Shelf

82nd Airborne

Normandy 1944

Author Steven Smith

Year 2017

ISBN 978-1-61200-539-2

Binding Paperback

Pages 64

Size 180 x 245mm (7.25 x 9.75in)

Price £9.99


Commanded by Major General Matthew B Ridgway, the 82nd Airborne trained exhaustively for their role before being shipped overseas to Casablanca, North Africa n in April 1943, making their first combat drop in July 9, part of Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily.

A second operation, including night parachute drops, went onto the Salerno beachhead on September 13 and 14 and provided more experience. In December, the bulk of the division left for the UK and training for D-Day.

Reorganised, the division dropped onto the Cotentin peninsula between Ste-Mère-Église and Carentan on the night of June 5, in a mission codenamed Boston, history’s largest airborne assault of the time, though Operation Market Garden later that same year would be bigger.

They successfully captured the strategically important town of Ste-Mère-Église, ensured Utah beach was secure for the later landings, helped establish the Allied forces’ foothold in France and gained themselves a fearsome reputation in the process.

A history told largely in photographs and maps r…

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