Regarded as the North’s premier military vehicle and re-enactment event, this year’s Yorkshire Wartime Experience offered visitors the chance to see heavy armour and living history up close, writes John Carroll

At aglance, our hobby is the same as it has been since the 1970s – preserving old military vehicles and taking them to shows and events. Inevitably, it’s not as simple as that; the green hobby has now encircled the globe, restorations are carried out to ever higher standards, post-war vehicles are more welcome these days, events come and go over the years, and there are many more rare machines and armour at shows than there used to be.

The Yorkshire Wartime Experience is a textbook example of this, and is now in its 12th year at the same site just outside Bradford. In that time it has come from a standing start to being regarded as the North’s premier military vehicle and re-enactment event. In fact, with the demise of the War and Peace Revival show, 280 miles to the south, it has become one of the very few premier military vehicle events nationwide. This year, more than 500 military vehicles and some 50 living history groups were on the site, which is easily accessible via the trans-Pe…

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