All Change

Nigel Hay reports on a change of ownership at Jeeparts and gives a roundup of the current state of the market

Military Vehicle Market

April has been busy with higher numbers of vehicles coming up for sale than usual and happily being sold quickly. But the major news in our hobby’s marketplace this month is not the bizarre story of Nick Mead apparently finding Iraqi gold bars in a T54 fuel tank he was trying to get going, but the announced sale of Jeeparts, the largest of the UK sellers of Jeep spares and accessories.

The business built up by Graham and Amanda Lycett since 1990 has been bought by established vehicle restorers, Tey Restorations in Essex. The Lycetts have long been the major importer and distributor of the reproduction MD Juan parts into the UK and we understand that Tey Restorations will continue in that vein as the MD Juan agent for the UK.

The changeover will happen in August, once the War and Peace Show is over and the business will move to Tey’s premises in Essex. Graham and Amanda will be working with Gavin and Daryl Copeman and Gordon Everitt for an initial period to ensure there is a smooth handover. The well-known couple will continue running their Malvern and Stoneleigh shows – …

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