China’s best in class

The Gamer

Fielding an interesting variety of armoured vehicles, Callum Dickson tries out China in his latest game of War Thunder

Having spent much of the past few months playing as the West, I thought I would bridge the gap by utilising some of the more effective tanks of World War Two, fielded by China.

China’s early game tanks are a mix of both Allied, Axis and homemade vehicles making it an incredibly interesting nation to play. Having already progressed some of the unlocks for China, I am now in an interesting area with light American tanks available to me alongside Soviet tank destroyers and medium tanks. I thought after months of focused gameplay, it would be fun to simply have some time playing as various different vehicles and testing their different strengths. The vehicles I had unlocked were the American M8 Greyhound, the Soviet SU-76 tank destroyer, and the most famous vehicle available at this point for China, the T-34/76.

In my first game, I was shocked by the strengths of the T-34 – it was armoured well and very fast, and its cannon was able to eliminate most vehicles I encountered. In a very short spell, I was able to destroy three enemy vehicles and capture two of the three points a…

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