The Gamer

Callum Dickson tries his hand with a selection of vehicles from the Soviet Union in War Thunder

Having been an avid War Thunder player for over a year now, I am beginning to consider myself a half-decent player. However, I decided now would be the time to try a nation which has been a consistent thorn in my side and one which I have never properly delved into – the Soviet Union.

Their vehicles are typically the ones that tend to knock me out, or at the very least, are ‘leased’ versions of their tanks sent to nations like China.

Although I have not played much as the Soviets, I have used versions of their tanks a fair amount as other nations, such as the T-28 with Sweden, and the SU-76 and T36-76 with China. With this in mind, I wanted to play exclusively as the Soviets and wait until I had at least one new, Soviet-made vehicle that was deserving of its own article. Finally, I unlocked the SU-122 while only being a few hundred XP from the next T-34 variant and decided to take the plunge.

Comparing these two vehicles in terms of real-life production numbers is astonishing, with just over 600 SU-122s being constructed in World War Two compared with the over 35,000 T-34s!

In my first match with…

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